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Richterslaan 2
NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
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Van Kessel & Janssen ready for the future with OpenIMS DMS

Van Kessel & Janssen Bouwconsultancy is ready for the next 35 years in her existence, with OpenIMS DMS.

jubileumlogo_302The biggest improvement according to project manager Stefan Arts, is that all professionals working for the jubilating company can always and anywhere dispose of the company documents. Including on their mobile devices. And all existing documents are structured. Arts: ,,75% of our people work outside office. At construction sites, in meetings. With OpenIMS DMS they can always consult reports and watch designs. On the spot. That’s a much more comfortable and better way to work.”

The fact that Van Kessel & Janssen chose OpenSesame ICT tells a lot about the company, to which involvement is a core value: ,,OpenSesame ICT clearly did their homework. Their presentation showed they empathized with our company. Also, the diverse customer base made us confident.”


About OpenSesame ICT OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. H.W.W. Kunst(Business Development Manager) or visit the and/or



Euramax Coated products,,In short: ''bring order in the chaos''. Certainly in our sales processes document management will lend us more insight.

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